Welcome! 🐴

I'm your Equine Leadership Coach,
Vanessa Petronelli.

Step into a world where horses become your guides on a journey of profound self-discovery, spiritual growth, healing and leadership development.Through my unique equine-assisted coaching programs, you'll unlock hidden potentials, move through transitions and life changes with greater ease, heal deep wounds, overcome limiting beliefs, and cultivate a deeper connection with your authentic self.Whether you're an executive, entrepreneur, or visionary leader, prepare to experience transformation like never before as you partner with these majestic creatures and myself to mirror your inner world and catalyze your personal and professional evolution.

Ready to transform your life with the wisdom of horses?

Sign up for my leadership and equine-focused email list to receive in depth, value-rich content along with exclusive updates and invitations on my upcoming retreats, events and equine coaching programs!

why should you work with horses?


Instant, honest feedback: Horses mirror your energy and intentions, providing immediate insights into your presence and authenticity that no human coach alone can match. They don't care about fancy titles behind your name, how much money is in your bank account or how successful you are, they are invested in who you are and how you're showing up to the present moment.


Accelerated personal and spiritual growth: Experience profound shifts in self-awareness and emotional intelligence in a fraction of the time. Working with the horses and myself will support you in deepening your connection to yourself, to others and how you impact the world. This work will expand your vision and purpose in an aligned and meaningful way.


Holistic leadership development: Combine spiritual wisdom, mindfulness, practical business strategies and the intuitive power of horses for a truly transformative leadership journey. Working with horses trains you to become more present, to slow down, create more space and tune into your inner world. This is where the solutions to your biggest problems and the answers to your most most hungry questions come to you with ease and clarity.


Embodied & somatic learning: Create lasting change through experiential learning that engages all your senses, making insights stick and transformation inevitable. Shift out of the demands and pressure of hustle culture, operating from chronic high-stress states and become more regulated in your nervous system. With a regulated nervous system you embody greater resiliency, resourcefulness and capacity to meet the demands of the world.

Your equine partners...

Horses are the mirrors to your soul.

Horses are nature's ultimate truth-tellers. They are highly intuitive and attuned to your emotions and energetic states. They respond to who you're being in each moment, not your words or titles.This means they provide instant, honest feedback on your leadership presence, emotional state, and authenticity.It's like having a mirror that reflects your inner world, helping you identify blind spots and areas for growth that traditional coaching or therapy might miss.You can't hide from horses, they see you fully.


  • You've achieved outward success but feel a gnawing emptiness inside, questioning if this is all there is to life.

  • You're good at what you do and you're in charge of others. But you've been feeling like something's missing. You want to find a deeper meaning in your work and a more real way to lead your team. You're ready to try something new that goes beyond the usual advice and taps into something more powerful.

  • You experience anxiety, restlessness, or emotional overwhelm, signs of a dysregulated nervous system that's stuck in "fight or flight" mode, but are ready to reclaim yourinner calm and tap into a deep well of resilience they didn't know they had

  • You've neglected your spiritual side in pursuit of material success and now feel a strong pull to explore your deeper, soul-level needs.

  • You find yourself repeating the same patterns in relationships or business/career, feeling frustrated but unsure how to break the cycle.

  • You've experienced a significant loss or change (like divorce, career shift, or empty nest) and are struggling to redefine your identity and purpose.

  • You feel overwhelmed by the constant noise of daily life and crave a genuine connection with your intuition, body's wisdom and inner voice.

  • You've tried traditional coaching, therapy or self-help methods but still feel something's missing, seeking a more holistic and experiential approach to growth.

  • You sense you're capable of more but feel held back by deep-seated fears or limiting beliefs you can't seem to shake.

Ways to work with me & the horses...

Embark on a transformative journey in either my one-to-one, Equine Soul Journey program or my two-day Equine Soul Immersion Retreat.These unique offerings combine the wisdom of horses with personalized coaching and healing work to help you unlock your full potential as a human.Through a series of tailored sessions and practices, you'll discover new depths of self-awareness, heal old patterns and beliefs, enhance your leadership skills, gain greater clarity and align with your true purpose.This work is best suited for individuals who are leaders in business, entrepreneurs, creative professionals or visionaries. No experience is necessary with horses to benefit from this transformational work.

Choose Between
two custom offerings

Equine Soul Journey
(Four months 1:1)

The four month Equine Soul Journey is more than just spending time with horses. It's a holistic approach that combines somatic awareness, mindfulness practices, and strategic vision work.As you engage with these majestic creatures, you'll find yourself naturally slowing down, becoming more present, and reconnecting with your body's innate wisdom. This process helps regulate your nervous system, creating a sense of spaciousness and calm that many busy professionals desperately need.Whether you're navigating a career or business transition, going through a personal reinvention process, seeking to enhance your leadership skills, or simply yearning for a more authentic, purpose-driven life, the Equine Soul Journey offers a path to profound self-discovery.Over four transformative months, you'll not only gain new insights but also develop practical tools to navigate life's challenges with the grace, power, resiliency and alignment to your true self.Through a series of in-person equine sessions and virtual coaching and energy healing work, you'll embark on a profound journey of self-discovery and growth.Here's what you receive in this program:

  • 6 x bi-weekly 90-minute in-person sessions with horses: Connect with these majestic creatures for powerful insights and growth.

  • 1 x virtual onboarding and 1 x energy clearing session: Start and end your journey with clarity and purpose.

  • Personalized self-work and practices: Tailored exercises to implement between sessions for continuous growth.

  • Ongoing weekly Voxer coaching support: Get guidance and clarity in-between sessions throughout your journey.

  • Access to the Cycles of Rebirth™ Methodology: A proven framework to guide you through life transitions.

  • Somatic and energetic practices: Custom exercises to release blockages and boost your energy.

  • Strategic vision, strategy and purpose work: Redefine your approach to leadership and your career/business.

  • Mindfulness integration: Enhance your self-awareness and consolidate your growth.

  • Spiritual growth and intuitive development: Expand your spiritual understanding with the horses' guidance.

(Total value of the Equine Soul Journey Program: $13,000 USD)

Special Introductory Case-Study Special for Summer 2024:$5,500 USD paid in fullOr two payments of $3,000 USD (total $6,000 USD)

Equine Soul Immersion
(Two-day 1:1 in person retreat)

The Equine Soul Immersion is an exclusive, one-on-one retreat designed to catalyze profound personal and professional transformation.Over two days in the tranquil setting of Murfreesboro, TN (near Nashville, TN), you'll work intimately with the horses and me to unlock deep insights and ignite lasting change.This immersion is tailored specifically to your unique needs and challenges.Day One focuses on letting go. You'll work with the horses to identify and release old patterns, limiting beliefs, and emotional blockages that have been holding you back.Day Two is about vision and expansion. Building on the clarity and openness achieved on Day One, you'll engage in strategic vision and embodiment work with both the horses and me.Throughout the immersion, you'll receive undivided attention and guidance. This level of personalized support ensures that you can make significant strides in your growth journey.Whether you're navigating changes in your life, ready to step into your next level vision, heal from your past or simply yearning for a more authentic life, this immersion offers a unique path to profound self-discovery and renewal.Here's what's included in the immersion:

  • 2 x full-day intensive sessions with horses: Dive deep into transformative work with these intuitive beings for profound insights and growth.

  • 1 x welcome dinner and 2 x lunches: Nourish your body and soul as you embark on this transformative journey.

  • 1 x 30-minute pre-immersion prep call: Set intentions and prepare for your life-changing experience.

  • 1 x 90-minute post-immersion coaching call: Integrate your insights and plan your next steps with expert guidance.

  • Customized roadmap and self-work plan: Continue your growth with tailored exercises designed just for you.

  • Specialized preparation and progress tracking forms: Stay focused and measure your transformation.

  • Access to bonus resources: Dive into a wealth of tools, including a guided meditation library, to support your journey.

Please note that flights, transportation and lodging are not included in the Equine Soul Immersion investment.You will be provided a list of recommended accomodations that are close to the equine sanctuary.

(Total value for the Equine Soul Immersion: $4,000 USD)

Special Introductory Case-Study Special for Summer 2024:$2,000 USD paid in fullOr two payments of $1,100 USD (total $2,100 USD)

Pleasure to meet you!

Meet your human guide...

I'm Vanessa Petronelli, intuitive leadership coach and energy healer with over 15+ years of experience guiding thousands of conscious leaders and entrepreneurs navigating through spiritual awakenings, career/business and life transitions.I'm the creator of the Cycles of Rebirth™ Methodology, a powerful framework for personal and professional transformation.Within the last year, I've started integrating equine coaching into my work. I'm certified in equine mindfulness and am actively expanding my expertise in this fascinating field.My ongoing training includes in-depth studies in equine assisted learning and horsemanship, allowing me to create a unique blend of leadership development and equine wisdom.This combination of my lifelong love for animals with my expertise in guiding leaders through transformations is opening up powerful new pathways for growth and insight.Whether you're facing a major life or career change, are burnt out and ready to slow down an go inward, are seeking deeper alignment in your business, or are ready to amplify your impact, I'm here to guide you.With my unique blend of intuitive guidance, energy healing, business strategy and now equine-assisted coaching, we'll work together to break free from limiting beliefs and step into your highest potential.Ready to transform your life and leadership with the wisdom of horses? Let's embark on this journey together!

Ready to transform your life with the wisdom of horses?

Sign up for my leadership and equine-focused email list to receive in depth, value-rich content along with exclusive updates and invitations on my upcoming retreats, events and equine coaching programs!

Client Praise

"Vanessa is an extremely powerful, gifted, and experienced coach and intuitive who will bring you closer to your own truth and help you do the deep work required for both personal awareness and inner healing. She is a powerful catalyst for helping people become the truest, boldest versions of themselves. She has put me on a lightning fast course to inner alignment and living the life I most desire, and I'm blown away by how much I've learned and grown as a direct result of having her as my coach.If you're ready to truly transform your life, Vanessa is the person you've been looking for. Be ready for deep self exploration and evolution—you'll get both, and then some!”— Melissa Joy Kong, Founder, Iceberg Agency

"Vanessa creates a space that is safe, comforting and allows you to be your true and vulnerable self without judgment.Through working with Vanessa I was able to heal old wounds that were continuing to weigh heavily on my shoulders and blocking me from any major progression.Through that healing I was able to open space within myself for new opportunities and growth. I grew my business in a way that I never thought I would simply because I was standing in my own way.Since then I have built an entire brand for my business, grown an amazing collective, have greater confidence in my self and my ability to set boundaries and make decisions personally and as a business owner. For the first time I feel connected and truly aligned with myself.The skills that I’ve learned I will carry with me for the rest of my life. I’ve experienced some of my biggest breakthroughs thanks to Vanessa and could not recommend her enough!"— Danielle Bar, Owner & Founder of Ostara Tattoo Gallery

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